Friday, February 09, 2007

College Announces Cost Hikes

The following is the email announcement from Wesleyan President Pam Balch.


From: President Balch
To: Wesleyan Community
Subject: Campus Renovations and Tuition and Fees

I am writing to share news about upcoming summer campus renovations and our direct costs for 2007-08. I am pleased to report that we have experienced a five-year high for both new student mid-year enrollment and fall to spring retention. These are encouraging developments and I am grateful to everyone for their contributions to our enrollment efforts.
I am also pleased to announce that during the summer we will complete the second phase of our facility renovation project. We will replace all windows in Agnes Howard, Benedum, Holloway, and Jenkins residence halls as well as in Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library, Christopher Hall of Science, and Middleton Hall. We will also complete several painting projects and renovate bathrooms in Doney, Fleming, and McCuskey. These improvements will re-fresh our beautiful campus.

Finally, the Board of Trustees has approved our Direct Costs for the 2007-08 academic year. Our Direct Costs, which represent a four percent increase, are listed below:

Tuition $20,980
Student Activity Fee 200
Technology Fee 650
Room & Board 6,160
Total Direct Costs $27,990

We are committed to offering a high-quality total educational experience while remaining fiscally efficient and responsible.

I continue to be honored and excited to serve my alma mater as president. There is a great sense of optimism about West Virginia Wesleyan. I welcome your comments and suggestions as we work collaboratively to strengthen the College.
