Thursday, April 09, 2009

Message From the President

Note: Due to space constraints, this week's Message from the President was not run in the print edition. It is being run here instead. Questions? Comments? Email

As I sit here and write this column, it is the evening of the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Virginia Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts. Today is truly a huge success for Wesleyan. This center has been years in the planning and making and another goal will have been achieved for Wesleyan. I believe this campus should give a big hand to President Balch, the Trustees, and Wesleyan’s entire administration for taking this project from a picture to a completed success that stands on College Avenue.

The ribbon cutting ceremony is the kick off event for the spring Board of Trustees Meeting. Also to be included during this spring session is a tour of the new research center and also the Fleming renovation project. I am very excited to see the progress of both projects and also to see how much closer Wesleyan is to complete more goals.
In thinking about the goals that Wesleyan has completed, I think of the leaps and bounds we have made as a Student Senate this semester. For those not directly involved with Student Senate I would like to update you on our completed goals. We have raised and continue to raise funds to be offered to student organizations, we have pushed and continue to push the Student Bill of Rights and the Honor Code through the channels of approval, and also we have increased attendance tremendously. Julie Keehner spoke up at our Student Senate retreat and shared with us that when she arrived at Wesleyan, there were approximately 4-5 students that attended each meeting. Now, we have over 40 students that attend each meeting.

Since I arrived at Wesleyan as a freshman I have been involved with Student Senate and I have personally seen how it has grown not only in attendance but also in the tasks that it achieves. This has been a very successful semester for Student Senate and for the Wesleyan Community. I hope we will all stay focused on Wesleyan’s goals and as President Balch says, “continue to take Wesleyan from good to great!” I wish you luck in the last few weeks of the semester. Our last meeting will take place at Dean Julie Keehner’s house on April 21st at 6pm.

All the best,

Eric Hillyard
President, Student Senate

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