Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Film Screening

Tomorrow, January 28, Dr. Eric Waggoner of English Department and The Frets fame will be screening Eraserhead, a 1977 film by David Lynch. The screening will be in Hyma Auditorium and will begin at 8 PM.

All are welcome to the screening of this semi-horror, surreal flick, but be forewarned: it is aggressively strange, in Dr. Waggoner's own words. Therefore, those with "delicate constitutions" might consider opting out this time.

This screening begins a semester-long series of David Lynch films, so if you can't make this one, there'll be another.

Since part of college is becoming a more cultured individual and really just being plain cooler than you were before, the staff and editorship of The Pharos highly encourages you to check this out!